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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Piers Morgan and model Amber Rose got into a huge Twitter spat after he told her to 'put it away'

A Twitter feud broke out after Piers Morgan took Amber Rose to task over a bottomless shot she posted Friday night.

"Put it away, luv. Thanks," Morgan tweeted at Rose.

Rose said her Instagram-banned pic was intended to promote women's rights and raise awareness for her #SlutWalk campaign. Morgan claimed the post is nothing more than an attention-seeking stunt.

Rose fired back at Morgan's accusation, defending the post with a condescending tweet. "I'm sorry I forgot only men can be sexually confident," she wrote.

The British journalist quickly responded, "It's not about sexual confidence. It's about you posting nude photos claiming it promotes feminism, which is utter nonsense."

Rose got pretty explicit in the back-and-forth tweets with Morgan, at one point saying she would video tape him masturbating to the picture while he apologized to her.

Prior to Morgan's remarks, Rose did receive other heat against the picture. Regardless of the backlash, Rose encouraged other feminists to join the "Amber Rose challenge" and post their own version of the scandalous picture--and followers did. Rose retweeted and praised fans' mock pics, but IG was quick to take those down too.

See the picture of Amber Rose causing all the drama below...

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